6 Worst Processed Foods That Dehydrate The Skin, Cause Collagen Loss, And Lead To Wrinkles Over Time, Health & Beauty Experts Warn

October 25, 2024 by Lisa Cupido


Processed foods are those foods that have been changed from their original forms by adding preservatives and additional flavorings that alter their nutritional content. Many of these foods are faster and more convenient than eating whole foods that you have to prepare, but they’re also usually higher in sugar and salt, low in essential nutrients, and high in additives that aren’t great for your health.

When we’re thinking about foods that are bad for your skin, and especially those that can cause dehydration and collagen loss, processed foods are often at the top of the list. Their high sugar causes glycation, which damages collagen — and collagen is responsible for keeping your skin youthful and supple. Their salt content, meanwhile, can strip your skin of much-needed hydration.

These six processed foods are among the worst for dehydration and collagen loss and can lead to wrinkles over time. Replacing these with healthier options can keep your skin looking its healthy best.

1. Doughnuts and Pastries

Doughnuts and similar pastries are very high in sugar and are made from white flour, which is high in refined carbohydrates and can spike your blood sugar. Additionally, these treats can cause inflammation, which is connected with skin issues like acne, eczema, and rosacea.

2. Hot Dogs

Hot dogs are high in dehydrating sodium and unhealthy fats, with preservatives and additives like nitrates and nitrites that are linked to inflammation. If you’re adding a bun to the mix, you’re also adding refined carbohydrates to your diet — and there aren’t many essential vitamins and minerals that you’re getting back in return.

3. Fried Foods

Foods that are deep-fried in oil often contain trans and saturated fats, which can lead to inflammation. If the food is sweet and fried, its sugar results in insulin spikes that can make acne and other skin issues worse, as well as deplete collagen at a faster rate. Frying can even product compounds that cause oxidative stress in the body, which can damage your skin cells.

4. Candy

Candy is often ALL sugar with little to no nutrients. This high sugar content causes insulin spikes, inflammation, and can break down collagen in the skin faster.

5. Food With Artificial Coloring

The next time you’re confronted with candy or frosting in a color that defies nature, stop and think about how the artificial coloring used to make that food may lead to oxidative stress, inflammation, and even hormonal disruptions that can result in skin issues.

6. Milk

Milk isn’t on the same level as some other processed foods. Even though it is usually homogenized and pasteurized, its nutrient content, which includes calcium and Vitamin D, gives it a healthier reputation than other processed foods like chips and candy. But dairy products like milk aren’t always great for our skin. They can trigger inflammation and increase insulin levels, which can contribute to acne. If you are lactose intolerant or allergic to proteins in milk, it can cause your skin to react, as well.

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