There’s One Drink From Starbucks You Should Be Avoiding At All Costs, According To Health Experts

July 25, 2021 by Justine Schwartz

Shutterstock / Splash News

Summer is Frappuccino season and while we all love to enjoy a blended frozen drink on a hot day, experts warn that these sweet drinks sold at Starbucks are packed with a dangerous amount of sugar. Here’s everything you need to know about the one Starbucks drink you should avoid at all costs because of its questionable nutritional content:

Frappuccino With Whipped Cream

The calorie-packed drink should be avoided (when its available on Starbucks menus), nutrition expert Marty Davey, MS, RD, LDN tells us.

The drinks, which contains ice, whole milk, crème Frappuccino syrup, classic syrup, and are topped with whipped cream–can clock in at upwards of 560 calories per drink.

“For the average woman trying to lose weight the daily calorie allotment is 1200-1500,” Davey explains. “This drink is more calories than they eat for dinner.”

Plus, the added whipped cream is a big no-no.

“Avoid adding whipped cream to your iced beverage,” Shena Jaramillo, MS, RD, warns, noting that the topping can add an extra 150-300 calories to an already-unhealthy beverage.

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