4 Food Combinations That Surprisingly Lead To Belly Fat, Dietitians Say

June 9, 2023 by Georgia Dodd


This post has been updated since its initial publish date to include more expert insight.

You probably already know that certain food combinations do not sit well with your stomach. Even though you may be craving food combinations with different textures and flavors, certain foods just shouldn’t be consumed together because they can result in digestive problems and weight gain. On the other hand, eating the right metabolism-boosting foods together can be beneficial for weight loss.

To learn more about terrible food combinations for weight loss, we spoke with Dr. Amy Lee, a dietitian, and Chief Medical Officer of the Lindora Clinic, Kiran Campbell, a registered dietitian, Rebecca Novak, a registered dietitian, chef, and founder of the Hungarian Chef, and Amber Dixon, a registered dietitian, and CEO of Elderly Assist, Inc. They said that you should avoid eating sandwiches with cheese and mayonnaise, french fries and soda, fried foods with cheese-based sauces, and salads with high-calorie dressings and toppings because they can be detrimental to weight loss plans and cause digestive issues. Novak says, “When you combine certain foods together, the energy density (the number of calories per gram) increases, which means that it’s easier to take in more calories than your body needs.” Find out more about these unhealthy food combinations below!

1. Sandwiches With Cheese And Mayonnaise

If you order a sandwich with both cheese and mayonnaise at the deli, you can expect a lot of unnecessary calories for weight loss. This is because both the cheese and mayo are loaded with saturated fat and sodium. These sandwich combinations are also very easy to overeat because they're unfortunately very tasty. "Cheese is high in saturated fat, which can raise levels of bad cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. Mayonnaise is also full of calories due to its high amount of fat; it even contains more calories than butter or olive oil," Novak explains.

Sandwiches that contain both cheese and mayo are energy dense, making it easy to eat more calories than your body needs. That's why it's best to just avoid this food combination if you want to lose weight. But that doesn't mean you can't eat sandwiches on a diet. You can eat healthy sandwiches that are made with grilled chicken, whole grain bread, and plenty of fibrous vegetables. Yum!

2. French Fries And Soda

You probably already know that french fries and soda by themselves can lead to weight gain, inflammation, and even insulin resistance. So, it should come as no surprise to you that eating french fries and soda together is a combination that contains high amounts of simple carbohydrates, saturated fat, and sugar which can cause your blood sugar to spike quickly.

"French fries are deep-fried and contain simple carbohydrates, saturated fat, and sodium; all of which can lead to weight gain if eaten in excess. Soda is also extremely unhealthy as it contains large amounts of sugar, which can lead to a spike in blood glucose levels and an energy crash shortly after consuming it," Novak notes. Instead of fast food fries, you can eat crunchy air fryer sweet potatoes that are antioxidant rich. Plus, you can swap out your soda with a fizzy, gut-healthy Kombucha.

3. Fried Foods With Cheese-Based Sauces Or Dips

Like the other two combinations, consistently eating fried foods like tater tots or french fries with cheese-based sauces or dips can stall your weight loss plans. This combination also has a lot of calories from saturated fat and sodium because of both the fried food itself and the cheese sauce it's dipped in. In the same sense, fried cheese foods like cheese curds or mozzarella sticks can not only lead to weight gain and inflammation, but they also can end up clogging your arteries over time.

"Fried foods are already high in calories due to the oil they’re cooked in; adding cheese-based dip or sauce on top of this increases the calorie count even more. Cheese-based dips and sauces are also high in saturated fat, sodium, and simple carbohydrates; all of which can contribute to weight gain if consumed often," Novak says. That's why if you want to lose weight, it's best to avoid this fried and cheesy food combination.

4. Salads With High-Calorie Dressings And Toppings

Salads are one of those foods that many people turn to when they’re trying to lose weight—and for good reason! They’re a great way to load up on protein, vegetables, and other nutrients. However, if you add the wrong toppings to your salad on a regular basis can be detrimental in the long run if you're to lose weight.

"While salads are generally healthy, addingcalorie-rich dressings and toppings can offset the benefits. Creamy dressings, fried proteins, and cheese can quickly amp up thecalorie count, making a once healthy meal a setback in your weight loss journey," Dixon explains.

One popular salad topping that can lead to weight gain is croutons. This is because "they are typically packed with carbohydrates and [hinder] the body from burning fat," Dr. Lee says. she adds, "Typically, they are [filled] with preservatives and ingredients that can be inflammatory to the body and likely [loaded] with salt."

Similarly, fattening salad dressings like ranch can lead to weight gain and other health issues. Not only does this dressing have a fat content, but it also "adds sodium, sugar, saturated fat, and cholesterol," Campbell warns. She notes that "the higher the intake of these harmful constituents, the higher one's risk of developing weight gain, obesity, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, gastrointestinal issues, and even depression." Instead, opt for a simple olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice!

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, while these food combinations may seem tempting, they can end up stalling your weight loss plans and can even lead to digestive issues. In addition to avoiding the food combinations mentioned above, Novak says that it's crucial to make healthy food choices when trying to lose weight. Choose lower-calorie foods that are nutrient-dense so you can get the most nutrition for the least amount of calories. And remember, if you eat too much of one type of food, even if it's a healthy food, it can still be detrimental to your weight loss efforts.

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