If you're trying to lose weight, you know that you're going to need to eat more healthy foods to reach your weight loss goals. But now that your fridge is stocked with fresh fruits and veggies, you have to make sure that you're not eating the one vegetable that's not good for weight loss-- wait, what? Yes, you heard that correctly. Sure, vegetables are much healthier than loading up on carbs, but like any food, vegetables should be eaten in moderation.
[Photos: Shutterstock]
Knowing exactly what nutrients and vitamins you get from vegetables can majorly help you lose weight. But what's the one vegetable you should really avoid when it comes to weight loss? The result may surprise you...
You should avoid potatoes for weight loss. Potatoes have a high glycemic index, which elevates your blood glucose levels. Vegetables you should focus on instead include leafy greens, asparagus, and cucumbers. Adrienne Youdim, MD, tells Cosmopolitan that you should stick to 2- to 3-ounces when it comes to your potato servings if you really can't stay away from the starchy vegetable.
Fruits and vegetables go hand in hand. For one quick extra tip, there is one fruit you should be eating for weight loss. Apples are low in calories and contain a lot of water. One sweet apple can curb many cravings-- even the one telling you to indulge in an endless serving of mashed potatoes!