
The 12 Yoga Poses Instructors Swear By To Maintain A Flat Stomach: Plank With Leg Lifts, More

September 30, 2024 by Mariam Qayum
shefinds | Fitness

Yoga is not just a great way to achieve flexibility and reduced stress levels; it can also be an excellent tool for achieving a flat belly. Some yoga poses target the core muscles, which help to strengthen and tone the abdominal area. When done correctly, such workouts can lead to a more defined and sculpted midsection.

We checked in with several fitness experts to discover 12 exercises that can aid in a flatter stomach. Some of their go-to options were boat pose, plank with leg lifts, bridge pose, half bow pose, cobra pose, and more. Read on to find out all 12!

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boat pose

1. Boat pose

The boat pose is excellent for toning the core because it requires significant engagement of the abdominal muscles.

How to do it: Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the floor, keeping your knees bent initially. Extend your arms forward, parallel to the floor. Straighten your legs to a 45-degree angle if you can, keeping your back straight. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

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plank pose

2. Plank pose

Plank pose is highly effective for activating your deep core muscles, which not only helps to tone the abs but also improves overall stability.

"The plank pose is a core-strengthening powerhouse, targeting the entire abdominal area, including the lower belly. It also works the sides of the abdomen, as you must engage your obliques to maintain stability," says Andrew White, a certified personal trainer and the co-founder of

How to do it: Start in a push-up position with your shoulders over your wrists. Keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels. Engage your core, and make sure your hips don't sag or lift too high. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

side planks

3. Side plank

Side planks target the obliques, which are the muscles along the sides of your abdomen. By holding the body in a straight line while balancing on one arm and the edge of one foot, you activate these muscles, helping to tone and sculpt the midsection.

"This move targets the obliques and helps in toning the sides of the abdomen," says Vivian Yu, co-founder of One Body Personal Training & Gym Near Me and a certified personal trainer and physical therapist.

How to do it: Start in a plank pose. Shift your weight onto one hand as you rotate your body to the side. Stack your feet and raise your other arm towards the ceiling. Keep your body in a straight line and hold the position. Repeat on the other side.

cobra pose

4. Cobra pose

In cobra pose, when you lift your chest off the ground and arch your back, your core muscles engage to support this movement. This stretch can elongate the front of your body, improving posture and promoting core strength.

White says that "cobra pose is effective for strengthening the abdominal muscles, particularly the lower abdomen. It also helps in improving the flexibility of the spine." Yu adds that although this move is "primarily known for its back-strengthening benefits, cobra pose also works the abdominal muscles, aiding in toning the lower belly."

To execute this move properly, Yu says: Lie face down on the floor with your hands under your shoulders. Press into your hands to lift your chest off the floor, engaging your lower back and abdominal muscles. Keep your elbows close to your body.

bridge pose

5. Bridge pose

Bridge pose requires your glutes, lower back, and abs to work together when you lift your hips off the ground. This will help activate and tone the core area, contributing to a flatter stomach over time.

Mary-Ellen Sabat from BodyDesigns Ltd. explains how to perform this pose correctly: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your arms alongside your body, palms facing down. Press your feet and arms into the floor, and lift your hips upward towards the ceiling. Keep your thighs and feet parallel to each other and engage your glutes and core. Hold the pose for 20–30 seconds while breathing deeply. Slowly lower your hips back down to the floor.

plank leg lifts

6. Plank with leg lifts

Most people feel intimidated when it comes to planks, but there's a reason this is a go-to exercise for so many people who want to lose belly fat. This core-working exercise is one of the top methods to tone your core and achieve the toned belly of your dreams. Certified yoga therapist Deborah Charnes suggests adding leg lifts to the mix for an even more effective workout.

"This is an exercise that is great for the core and especially the glutes," she says. "While holding the plank (arms and legs straight, if possible, or on knees), slowly lift up one leg a few inches from the group. Repeat on the same side for 20 or 30 reps until you feel your muscles getting sore. Then switch to the other side." So simple yet so effective!

down dog to fire hydrant

7. Down dog to fire-hydrant plank

Charnes says that this flowing set is "another great one for building the core and strengthening the entire hip," which is why she frequently adds it to her vinyasa flows.

"Begin in your downward-facing dog. Lift one leg up for three-legged dogs. Shift forward into a plank as you bend the top knee and pull it to the elbow," she instructs. "After a breath or two, stretch the leg back up into the three-legged dog. Take a vinyasa, or go directly into the same exercise on the other side." Got it!

warrior pose

8. Warrior III

Warriors III is a classic yoga pose that can do wonders for your midsection. "This pose demands core strength and helps reduce abdominal fat," Yu assures us.

How to do it: Stand tall, then shift your weight onto one leg. Hinge forward at your hips as you lift your other leg behind you, aiming for a T shape. Extend your arms forward for balance. Hold for up to 1 minute, then repeat on the other side.

knee down twist

9. Knee down twist

"Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat with your arms stretched out like a capital 'T' and knees bent with your feet on the floor. Lift your knees over your hips so they form a 90-degree angle. Engage your core muscles, then exhale to twist and lower your knees to your right side. Inhale and lift your knees back to center. Exhale to twist and lower your knees to your left side. Inhale lift our knees back to the center," Jewell Singletary, a yoga instructor and founding owner of Gratitude Griot LLC, says.

Remember not to force the twist and relax. This dynamic strengthener is ideal for working your oblique muscles and reducing those love handles on the sides of your body. Plus, it can massage the digestion organs and restore spine neutrality and balance in the nervous system.

bird dog

10. Bird Dog

The bird dog pose targets belly fat in the lower abdomen and strengthens the abs, hip flexors, and muscles that support the spine. It can also aid in improving posture and enhance balance and flexibility. This is also a great tool for those who suffer from back pain.

"Use a yoga mat, blanket, or towel to cushion your knees. Your knees will be hip distance apart and your palms are flat on the floor, shoulder distance apart. Look down in between your palms so there’s a nice long line between the crown of your head and your buttocks," Singletary advises. "Tighten your ab muscles as you lift your left leg straight back behind you with your toes pointing down towards the floor. Exhale to bend the knee of the lifted leg and curl it in towards your chest and chin. Exhale to release the crunch and bring your lifted knee back to the mat. Repeat on the right side."

half bow

11. Half Bow

The half-bow pose is great for reducing back rolls and visceral fat on the back side of the body. It also helps build mobility, strengthens the back, and opens the chest and shoulders. To make this pose easier, you can do it in different stages by only lifting your chest up, leaving your thighs and knees on the floor. If you feel tension in the neck, remember to drop your chin towards your chest. Singletary says that anyone with high or low blood pressure, headaches, or back injuries should avoid this exercise.

"Lying face down on the floor or yoga mat with your legs stretched long behind you. Rest your right forearm in front of you to lift your chest and support your upper body. Bend your left knee to lift your heel closer to your buttocks and reach your left arm back to grab your left ankle with your left hand. Tighten your core muscles and ease into a deeper backbend by lifting your left thigh further off the mat. Hold for 5 deep breaths, then release and repeat on the other side. Many people forget that it’s necessary to strengthen the back to have strong abdominal muscles," Singletary notes.

sunbird crunches

12. Sunbird crunches

Crunches were taught to some of us back in our primary school days, but there's also something called sunbird crunches that can effectively aid in a toned abdomen. This version of crunches will allow you to get your abs more toned than ever, as suggested by Steph Ball-Mitchell, yoga instructor and lead trainer at Online Yoga School.

How to do it: From the tabletop, extend the left arm straight out, bicep by the ear. Lift the right leg parallel to the mat and extend back through the heel. Inhale as you lengthen, and on the exhale, draw the knee and elbow in, bringing the knee to the outside of the elbow. Inhale to lengthen and repeat 5-6 times. Then switch sides.


Editorial Assistant

Mariam is an Editorial Assistant at SheFinds, covering everything from celebrity fashion to health and wellness. A true city girl at heart, she splits her time between New York and Philly, bringing that hustle and creativity wherever she goes. With a resume packed with internships and editorial roles, she's built a solid expertise in the field. When she's not writing, pitching, or obsessing over the latest TikTok trends, you can find her hanging with family, cooking up something delicious, or dreaming about her next travel adventure. You can reach Mariam at [email protected].

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