3 Yoga Poses To Instantly Relieve Bloating

June 1, 2022 by Louise Ferrer


Bloating is perhaps one of the most common struggles many of us face nowadays. When this happens, your belly often feels full, tight, and/or swollen. It’s definitely not a pleasant experience, which is why it’s usually associated with mild to intense pain.

Constipation, gut sensitivity, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) are just some factors that could cause bloating. On top of that, the food you eat may also be keeping your body’s digestive system from functioning properly. With that in mind, you should always remember that what you consume matters greatly. According to an article published by Johns Hopkins Medicine, “Typically, the first line of treatment for preventing gas and bloating is changing your diet. Research has shown that a low fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet can reduce the symptoms of gas and irritable bowel syndrom (IBS).”

Luckily, another solution that can address this problem is through exercising. Physical activity such as yoga can even help you get rid of that discomfort in your stomach. As a matter of fact, there are certain poses specifically used to deal with bloating. Want to give it a try? Check out some of these videos below from yoga teacher Sarah Beth.


According to Beth, "Whether standing, sitting, or lying down, twists are a fantastic way to rinse and cleanse your system." She advises, "The proper way to twist is first to your right—so you're twisting and compressing your ascending colon. Hold for a couple of breaths, then to the left to twist and compress the descending colon." Beth explains, "This is going to stimulate your digestion and move blockages through your digestive tract."


"This is an excellent position for elimination," Beth says. She notes, "To get into this position, you want your feet wide, maybe mat distance. Then get your hips low and you can turn your toes out a little, if that helps. Eventually, take the rounding of out your upper back and lengthen your spine up." If you're curious as to how it affects your body, Beth mentions that "a squatting position allows the puborectalis muscle to fully relax and unkink the colon, so elimination is easy and smooth." In fact, she even refers to this pose as a "bathroom lifechanger!"

Wind Pose

Similar to the squat, the wind pose is a much more relaxing position to try for bloating and digestion. To start, lay on your back and "pull both knees in and hold onto your shins." Beth shares, "This gentle pose helps to lengthen your lower back and compress your lower abdomen." You can either hold for a few minutes, or try the half-wind pose variation, where your right leg compresses your ascending colon first, and then later on you switch to the left leg to decompress your descending colon. Beth confirms, "This pose does wonders with digestion. It allows everything to relax and restore."

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