You Might Want To Sit Down Before Seeing This Awkward Video Of Kate Middleton & Meghan Markle That Was Just Released
March 20, 2020 by Elizabeth Blasi
If you thought your family gatherings and reunions were awkward, they’re nothing compared to the tense and rigid occassions between the Royal Family. As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are on their way out of the Royal Family (and associating spotlight), it’s safe to assume their family members are not too pleased with this arrangement.
A big area of uncomfortable ties, lays between brothers Harry and William – as well as their wives: Kate and Meghan. Before leaving for North America, to start their lives as ‘ordinary joes’, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had one final Royal Engagement to attend to… The Commonwealth Church Service at Westminister Abby.
While this service is meant to celebrate Commonwealth Day and the joining of Commonwealth Nations (around 54 countries), this was far from a celebration. Instead it was a service with awkward hellos, displaced body language, and underlying tension.
While it may seem like family should stick together, we’re not sure how the dynamics between William, Harry, Kate, and Meghan will ultimately play out.