You Should Stop Doing This Before Bed If You Want To Sleep Through The Night, According To Experts
February 8, 2023 by Faith Geiger
A good night’s sleep is crucial for a good day. If you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, you may find it difficult to focus, you could experience feelings of depression or anxiety, and over time, you may even be at risk of health issues like diabetes and stroke. For this reason, perfecting a nighttime routine that can help you get the most restful sleep possible is essential to your overall health. And in addition to incorporating healthy habits like meditation and breathing exercises into your routine, breaking unhealthy habits is also important. In fact, there’s one common bedtime habit that health and sleep experts say you should kick to the curb immediately if you want to sleep well at night: using electronic devices before bed.
To learn more about the effects of scrolling on devices before bed and how blue light effects your sleep, we spoke to sleep science coach Tom Greenspan, CEO of VS Mattress; functional medicine health coach Jenny Smith; and Clinical-Community Psychologist Aisha Dixon-Peters. They broke it all down for us; find their expert insight below!
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