The One Supplement You Should Have Before Bed To Take 10 Years Off Your Face Overnight

January 27, 2020 by Hannah Kerns


Adding a supplement to your nighttime routine could make a huge difference in your overall appearance–especially if you are hoping to achieve younger-looking skin. However, as it becomes more and more popular to incorporate supplements in your diet to see beauty results, picking out the right supplement for your skin may be a challenge.

With that in mind, we found a highly-rated and affordable supplement for glowing skin with tons of anti-aging benefits.

Key Benefits

-Improves skin's appearance, making it more radiant

-Adds hydration and moisture to skin

-Helps plump skin

Effective Ingredients

-Hyaluronic Acid helps plump, smooth, and moisturize the skin

-Collagen strengthens skin and improves structure

-Sea Buckthorn helps nourish and revitalize the skin

Promising Reviews

"I have dry skin and I’ve noticed that my skin is more plump and hydrated. This product is so amazing! I love how you don’t have to take these with a meal because it makes it easier to just take them anywhere. They taste like candy and they’re definitely a game changer, I cannot recommend them enough." -Sephora Reviewer

"This taste delicious and I know that they are doing so much good for my skin! My skin looks hydrated and plump!" -Sephora Reviewer

"Just bought my second container of these and I can really tell a difference in my skin! I look more dewy and my skin looks more plump and hydrated but also isn't as oily as it used to get. I have a healthy glow and have had almost zero breakouts. Plus they are super yummy. I will continue to purchase!" -Sephora Reviewer

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