HACK: How To Clean Your Microwave With Orange Peels

October 16, 2015 by Rachel Gulmi


Somehow I always forget to put a paper towel over the food I’m microwaving, and then it ends up getting all over the microwave. Cleaning microwaves aren’t fun, especially if you don’t clean them often because the food will be caked on and hard to remove. There’s a really simple hack to cleaning microwaves and it includes orange peels.


Put some orange peels in a microwave-safe bowl and fill it with water, just covering the peels. Place the bowl in the microwave and set the timer to five minutes. This will get the water boiling and steaming. Once the timer goes off, let the bowl sit in the microwave with the door shut for about two minutes so the steam trapped inside will loosen the food residue. Open the door and wipe down the inside of the microwave with a cloth or paper towel.

And you’re done!

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cleaning, how to, tips and tricks
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