Don’t you hate when you’re caught in the rain without the proper shoe attire? If you aren’t prepared for the rain, most likely your shoes are going to get soaking wet. It’s just inevitable. Not only will your shoes and feet be left feeling damp, but they will also stink! Most people are tempted to throw their shoes in the dryer or on top of a radiator to dry out, but these options may shrink your shoes. There’s an even easier way to go about drying your wet shoes after being stuck in the rain.
Grab some newspaper sheets and crumple them into balls and stick them on the inside of your shoes. The dry newspaper will suck out all the moisture in your shoes. After a while the sheets may become damp, so just switch them out with new sheets of newspaper. You can also wrap the outside of your shoe with newspaper and secure with rubber-bands to dry the outside of your shoe. Just be careful as the ink from the newspaper may transfer, so it’s best to only do this on a dark shoe or by testing a small area before wrapping the whole shoe.
And you’re done!
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