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There’s seriously nothing more annoying that having your clothes cling to your body due to static. You feel a small shock here or there, and clingy material is simply not attractive . However, there are four easy ways to get rid of the static charge from clothing. The best part is that you most likely already own all of the things you’ll need! Chicka chicka yeah.
Safety pin. Believe it or not, you can use a safety pin to divert the static charge. Simply attach it to the inside seam of an item giving you trouble, and it should emit the charge!
Hairspray and body lotion. Spray a little hairspray where you feel the item is clinging to you. Let it dry and you’ll be good to go! The same goes for lotion. Lotion creates a barrier between your skin and the static electricity. Rub on some lotion and let it dry. Easy as that.
Dryer sheets. Rub dryer sheets over the clothes you’re wearing and the parts of your body touching the clothing. This way you’ll be double-prepared to stop static cling. Bonus: you’ll smell really good.
What are some ways you stop static?
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