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Last week, I got to test out The Hanacure All-In-One Facial mask for a Facebook Live video. If this Korean beauty product isn’t on your radar, it definitely needs to be. Rather than just focusing on one specific skin affliction, the multipurpose treatment boasts tighter, brighter, contoured, and wrinkle-free skin. You might also recognize this product from social media, which went viral after Drew Barrymore posted a slightly creepy looking selfie while mid-mask. Ironically, the All-In-One helps fight off aging skin, but the mask itself actually makes your face look look like a grandmother while you’re wearing it. Hence, why we had to test it out for ourselves.
[Photo: Instagram]
I tried the Starter Kit, which came with a small, soft brush, a Gelling Solution in a sleek silver pod, and a Lifting Serum in a small, clear bottle. For the mask to work, you combine both substances within the Gelling Solution container to create a Purifying Compound. I pulled back a corner of the silver lid, exposing a transparent liquid inside, and poured in the small dose of the gold-hued Lifting Serum. I shook the package for 20 seconds to thoroughly mix the two ingredients together. When I opened the container again, the mixture had thickened and turned into a gel-like substance. At first glance, it didn’t look like there was a lot of product in there, but I actually had plenty to cake on my entire face, even leftovers.
The applicator brush made applying the mask weirdly satisfying and comforting, like I was getting some sort of do-it-yourself spa treatment. I applied the serum generously all over my entire face, but sparingly around my eyes and mouth since the directions insisted on avoiding contact with these areas. I actually used every last drop of the mask because I got such a kick out of painting it on my face with the brush, and so that it would show up better on camera. You definitely want to pull your hair back for this one, headband and all, or else you’ll end up with small pieces of the mask stuck in your locks.
[Photo: Instagram]
The tightening mask takes a full 30 minutes to work, but it noticeably started doing its thing within the first five. Almost immediately after applying it, the liquid started to dry and harden. My skin felt super strange and instantly SO much tighter, which I hadn’t expected so quickly. As a disclaimer, the instructions strictly advise minimal face movement while you’re wearing the mask. I didn’t follow this step since I had to move my face to talk about how it felt for the Facebook Live, but this is absolutely crucial for the product to work properly. Plus, it’s actually really hard to move your face to begin with while wearing the mask—mine got so stiff that even smiling became a challenge. I would recommend applying this while doing something low key, like taking a bath or watching a movie.
The funny-looking wrinkly component of the mask took a little longer to develop. But, when it did—oh boy. At first, the mask made it look like I had peeling skin from a bad sunburn, and then progressed to full on 80-year-old-woman-complexion mode. Imagine cracked ground in the middle of desert and you have an accurate visual of my face while wearing the mask. This is why it’s so crucial to avoid moving your face, or else the mask will crack even more and break.
For time purposes, I didn’t wear the mask for the entire 30 minutes. I also took it off with a makeup wipe instead of washing my face, which the directions recommend doing. Definitely do NOT use a makeup wipe for removal—the mask comes off in chunks that look like pieces of your skin. Not a pleasant sight.
My face definitely felt so much tighter, lifted, and surprisingly hydrated. The mask made my face look deprived of all moisture entirely, so it was refreshing that I actually felt softer skin as a result. I did have a lot of redness for about 30 minutes afterward, but Hanacure assured us that this was because of improved circulation and active peptides. You’re more likely to develop redness if you have fair or skin sensitive skin, which I do, but it should fully disappear after 90 minutes.
I’m 22, but could pass as a 16-year-old, so I definitely don’t fall under Hanacure’s target anti-aging demographic. But, this is definitely a product I would recommend to any woman wanting tighter, fresher, wrinkle-free skin. Also, don’t be a rule breaker like me and actually follow the product’s step by step directions for the best results. Hanacure suggests using the facial mask once or twice a week for 2-3 months.
You can buy the All-In-One Facial Starter Kit for $29, or the Set for $110, which includes four Lifting Serums and Gelling Solutions. The Set’s currently sold out, so you know it must be good if everyone wants to get their hands on one. But, you can preorder one, or buy a single application mask. Whether it be for your next Instagram selfie or because you’re dying for younger looking skin, you’ll want this mask in your beauty arsenal. It feels very funky, but has real results!