Here’s The Main Reason Why You Shouldn’t Dry Bathing Suits In A Dryer

July 14, 2015 by Rachel Gulmi


For something that provides minimal coverage, bathing suits require maximum care. Bathing suits should be washed a certain way and dried a certain way, to maintain the quality and make sure it lasts for as long as possible. Also, bathing suits cost a decent amount of money so it’s important to take care of them or else you’re basically wasting your money.

It goes without saying that bathing suits should either be hand washed or in a washing machine on gentle cycle. But what about the drying process? You shouldn’t wring out a bathing suit because it causes extra wear, they can’t dry in the sun because the color will fade and you most certainly should never, ever put bathing suits into the dryer.

Putting bathing suits in the dryer is like throwing away your money. You might as well just buy a new bathing suit at that point. Why is this so bad? Your delicate bathing suit is now tumbling around in hot temperatures. This will not only cause your suit to stretch out, but also lose its shape and ruin the fabric. To properly dry your swimwear, lay it on a flat surface, either outside in the shade or somewhere in your house. You can also lay it on a towel to absorb more moisture, but remember not to wring it out!

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[Photo: Fire on the Head]


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