Looks like Cara Delevingne took some fashion cues from BFF Rihanna. Both celebs were spotted wearing some pretty offensive tees, but Rihanna’s definitely wins for most explicit. Just a heads up, if you search what these two were wearing, don’t do it at work. It’s quite the shocker. So what’s up with these offensive graphic tees and who wears them? Apparently celebrities do, and it seems like more and more mainstream stores are selling them. I still don’t understand how you can wear some of these t-shirts in public though. Or why you would even want to own them in general. Of course Cara and Rihanna can do whatever they want, they’re famous, but can the rest of us wear shirts like this? Would you want to? If you’re leaning towards yes and you’re feeling extra risque before the weekend check out this slideshow with some crazy outrageous tees.
For more graphic apparel check out:
tees that poke fun at designers,
statement t-shirts and
graphic sweatshirts.
Ashish Fuck Work Holographic Sequin Tank ($781.83)
Silver Spoon Attire Shit Fucking Happens Cotton T-shirt ($90.82)
Local Celebrity Don’t Be A Bitch Ziggy Tank in Green ($46)
Classy Brand All My Bitches Love Me Sweatshirt ($68)
Wildfox Bitch T-Shirt ($106.79)
Married to the Mob The Relax Cropped Tank in Black and White ($31)
I Weed Cali Tee ($39.50)
O-Mighty The WTV Tee in White ($42)
Etre Cecile Bad Ass Paris Long Sleeve Tee ($110)
Classy Brand Show Some CL Ass Muscle Tee ($42)
Junk Food Kiss My Ass Tee ($19.50)
Asos T-Shirt in Damn Right Back Print ($24.92)
UNIF No Shit Givers ($65)
DSF Clothing Get Shit Done Tank ($24)
Reebok Barbells for Boobs Graphic Tee ($28)