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We get it, we wouldn’t want to take off our go-to comfy Adidas sneakers either. However sometimes, you need to slide into a pair of brand new high heels for a special occasion. And if you’re one who buys new heels and wears them daily– well, then, we praise you. No matter what kind of fashion girl you are, we have the best tips for how to break in heels (your feet will seriously thank you).
First thing’s first, your new pair of heels should be your right size and have a comfortable heel height that you can actually walk on. So, if you have some pairs of extra high heels that you’re hoarding in your closet waiting for the day you have enough strength to wear them, then you should probably just get rid of them right now. Just three simple tips on what you should focus on when wearing high heels can make them super wearable, and dare we say it, comfortable.
- Prep your heels and legs at once
A modeling expert will certainly have a tip or two on how to effortlessly strut around in high heels. Karen Lee Gybrowski, a model scout at Karen Lee Group, shares her tips with on how to walk in heels like a pro. “Prior to wearing heels, walking around your home on the balls of your feet helps to strengthen your legs and ankles,” Karen says. This will definitely help to strengthen your legs and feet before the next time you want to slip into a pair of pumps. Plus, wearing heels at home will help to break them in and make them much more comfortable. You don’t want your first time wearing a pair of heels to be when you have a busy night out ahead of you.
- Consider buying heel inserts for comfort
Podiatry expert Catherine Moyer, MD, shares her best comfort tips with StyleCaster for wearing heels. Catherine recommends buying over-the-counter products to insert into your high heels for extra cushioning. More specifically, she recommends picking up a pair of oval-shaped pads made of gel-like material that can help ease any pain that you have on the balls of your feet when you wear high heels. This quick trick is a sure way to prevent harsh friction and any painful blisters from popping up.
- Add socks or thick tights when wearing heeled shoes
Do you have a new pair of heeled boots that you just can’t wait to wear for the fall? Luckily, you can always put on a pair of thicker socks when you wear them for the first time so that they’re much more bearable to wear. Now, if you have a regular pair of pumps you’re anxious to wear, you can try this same tip at home before you wear them– because socks and heels don’t exactly go together. Bustle recommends breaking in tight shoes with socks so that the thickness of the sock can help to stretch out the material of the shoe, while also protecting your feet from burning scrapes and blisters.
It’s no secret that many styles of new shoes can be uncomfortable– even those without sky-high heels. For more tips on making your pairs a lot easier to wear make sure to check out How To Break In Flats and How To Break In Boots.
[Photo: Shutterstock]