We get it, we wouldn’t want to take off our go-to comfy Adidas sneakers either. However sometimes, you need to slide into a pair of brand new high heels for a special occasion. And if you’re one who buys new heels and wears them daily– well, then, we praise you. No matter what kind of fashion girl you are, we have the best tips for how to break in heels (your feet will seriously thank you).
First thing’s first, your new pair of heels should be your right size and have a comfortable heel height that you can actually walk on. So, if you have some pairs of extra high heels that you’re hoarding in your closet waiting for the day you have enough strength to wear them, then you should probably just get rid of them right now. Just three simple tips on what you should focus on when wearing high heels can make them super wearable, and dare we say it, comfortable.
It’s no secret that many styles of new shoes can be uncomfortable– even those without sky-high heels. For more tips on making your pairs a lot easier to wear make sure to check out How To Break In Flats and How To Break In Boots.
[Photo: Shutterstock]
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