How To Get A Water Stain Out Of A Leather Boot

November 18, 2015 by Linda DiProperzio


There are few fashion mishaps as daunting as getting a water stain on leather. And with the rain and possibly snow on the way this winter, chances are good your favorite leather boots might suffer such a fate. Don’t let it dampen your spirits, though–simply follow these tips for getting that pesky water stain out stat.

Once you’ve spotted the stain(s), dip a washcloth into a bowl of lukewarm water (you can also use a sponge). Wring out the washcloth or sponge thoroughly to get all the excess water out because you don’t want to saturate the boot with water.

If you’re going with the washcloth, use a circular motion to cover the entire boot with it, getting the top layer of the leather wet. By allowing the entire boot to be covered by the water, you are releasing any stain from the discoloration.

If you’re using the sponge, then start at the water stain and dampen the leather by moving the sponge to the edges of the boot. Make sure to just gently wipe so that you don’t soak the leather–you only want to get it damp enough to release the stain and wet the rest of the leather so that the entire area can dry the same.

Finally, allow the boots air dry. Once the boot is completely dry, you can also apply a small amount of leather conditioner if they feel a bit tough.

For more tips, check out how to clean a slow cooker and how to store small beauty items.

[Photo: Sea of Shoes]


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