Introducing The Single Earring: The Perfect Counter To The Side Braid

July 6, 2011 by Charlotte Steinway


From left: Vanessa Hudgens in her Edge of Urge Earrings, and a similar Jacquie Aiche feather earring

I’ve always been a big proponent of the solo earring. Especially with bohemian feather earrings, which tend to look overdone when worn in both ears, opting to wear just one makes for a more subdued look, and even mimics the style of feather hair extensions. Personally, I’ve been rocking the solo feather earring ever since I studied abroad in Paris, when I dropped one down a drain, losing my black tiered feather favorite to the French sewage system. Not able to find a suitable stand-in anywhere within the Périphérique, I decided to wear it solo. Once I got over people telling me I was missing an earring or that I had a piece of trash in my hair, I started to get really into the look, and now regularly opt for one earring in lieu of two.

And now, like any good trend (especially when worn by a celebrity, like Vanessa Hudgens, above), it’s officialy gone mainstream. Jacquie Aiche, a jewelry designer who utilizes her American Indian roots in her native American-inspired designs, has a whole line gorgeous of single earrings available now on Shopbop. What do you think of the trend—would you wear a single earring?

Be sure to check out all of our news on celebrity style and feather extensions.


earrings, feathers, News, vanessa hudgens
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