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Lash extensions are becoming more and more popular by the minute but if you want a cheaper and quicker way to get great lashes there are a lot of products out there to help you get this look. From lengthening mascaras to growing serums, achieving great lashes can be done without leaving your home. But let’s not forget one of the first products created to get this look—false eyelashes. The KISS Falscara DIY Eyelash Extensions, $6.47 are lengthening wisps that are said to give you the look of eyelash extensions for half the price, so we had to test them out ourselves!
KISS Falscara DIY Eyelash Extensions, $6.47
Key Ingredients: Featherlight Fibers
Unlike a set of full false eyelashes, these fibers are not strips, but smaller pieces of feather light fibers that are placed under the base of your natural lashes, near the waterline. This allows you to be more specific about your eyelashes by choosing what areas need to be lengthened.
Key Features: Lengthening & Comfortable
The KISS Falscara DIY Eyelash Extensions, $6.47 claims that no mascara will be needed after using this product. The artificial wisps are smaller than strip lashes which tend to be more comfortable and lightweight for wearers. This way, you won’t have to worry about your entire eyelash falling off or sliding down your face throughout the day.
How to Use:
This is the tricky part! It takes awhile to get used to applying the wisps to your eyes, so just remember that practice makes perfect. There are a lot of videos out there that will guide you in applying this product so it’s definitely helpful to check out one of those. If you’d like to try it on your own, first you swipe on the bond and seal onto your natural lashes. Then you use the applicator to pick up the wisps, then one by one place them beneath the base of your natural lashes. Finally, you seal the deal by applying a very thin coat of seal under the wisps to remove sticky residue and make sure they stay in place. Voila!
My Honest Review:
The only time I ever tried false eyelashes was during my best friend’s wedding when I was a bridesmaid and thankfully, I didn’t have to apply them myself because the process is a bit complicated for beginners. I started off by following the instructions on the package but thought that it would be helpful to actually see how this product works. So, I found a few how-to videos online which really helped me along the way. I’m still going to stick with my mascara, but these falsies are a great option for when you want a little extra glam. If I was attending an event or another wedding, I’d definitely use these, but the process took a little bit too long for me.
The Bottom Line:
These wisps come in a pack of 24 and are reusable up to three times so they are a really great deal. The KISS Falscara DIY Eyelash Extensions, $6.47 truly gave me amazing looking lashes and if you have more patience than me, you should give them a try if you are looking for a different want to get luscious and lengthened lashes.