NCLA’s Clueless-Inspired Nail Wraps Have Us Totally Buggin’

July 22, 2013 by Jenn Rice


The 90’s are making a comeback and we couldn’t be more stoked. From CK One to Cher Horowitz-inspired duds, the best nostalgic 90’s items are back in style. The latest brand to join this movement is NCLA, our favorite nail wrap brand. Come September, they’ll be releasing a four-piece collection of nail wraps inspired by Dionne, Cher and Tai’s awesome wardrobes and valley-girl slang—including a set called “Virgin Who Can’t Drive.” We know they’re not launching until fall, but we couldn’t help ourselves—and now we can’t stop singing “Rolling with My Homies.” We buggin’ about the awesome designs. Check out the slideshow above to see a sneak peek of all four NCLA Clueless Nail Wraps. Which one is your fave?

For more beauty news, check out our manicure mood guidehow to look good naked and how to style your hair on humid days now.


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