Zappos Helps You Waste More Time At Work By Showing What America Puts On Its Feet

April 19, 2009 by SheFindsErin

Tracking your friends' every movements via Twitter and Facebook can get boring in a hurry. Why not take a break and internet stalk complete strangers—in your own hometown or anywhere in the country that strikes your fancy?  

Zappos has developed a completely addictive map feature that allows you to see the purchases being made on the shoes-and-more site in real time.

There were a whole lot of men's purchases going on while I was watching, but we have hopes it will become a useful trend-spotting tool, where you can spy LA beach girls snatch up Daniblack Bolo sandals ($122), New York trendsters buy Pelle Moda Yukio wedges ($135), and weather-conscious, yet still fashionable, Chicagoans opt for classic Chucks ($51).


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