Red Bras Are Just As Invisible Under White Shirts As Nude Bras #Fact

December 11, 2013 by Jihan Forbes


Good news, ladies: Your red lacy bras aren’t just for sexytimes anymore! According to the shopgirls at NYC lingerie boutique Intimacy, you can wear your red-hot skivvies to the workplace, and your coworkers will be none the wiser. That means, no more boring nude work bras! Woot!

In spite of their eye-catching hue, Intimacy bra fit stylist Nicole Willis says that red bras actually blend in quite nicely with many skin tones, so much so that they’re OK to wear under a white blouse. In fact, they work just as well as flesh-toned bras in achieving that camoflauged look. And like the old adage “the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice,” red bras blend better the deeper your skin tone. Who knew? They even posed for pictures to prove their point.

While this might not make you get rid of your nude bras completely, a red bra is a great way to spice up your usual underwear routine.

Do you think you’ll try out a red bra for the office tomorrow?

In the market for a bra? Check out our picks for the most flattering and sexiest brassieres… and some of our favorite designer options.


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