Why: For the shoe-obsessed, this is the ultimate gift to give and to beg for. I’m always in need of new shoes, as I go through them like most people go through a pack of gum. To achieve Shoephoria, you sign up for one of three packages; the monthly package ($1000), the bi-monthly package ($540), or the seasonal package ($370.) Depending on the package, you receive a $100 certificate each time period. In the first package you get 12 certificates for $1000, so essentially you’re getting $1200 in shoes for only $1000, and with 24,000 styles of footwear to choose from, you’ve got plenty of options. Imagine waking up and receiving your dream shoes at your doorstep each and every month.
Can’t convince your mother/father, best friend, or hubby to purchase shoephoria for you? You have from now until December 25, to win one of these three packages. Enter the
online sweepstakes! One grand-prize winner will receive a monthly fix of Shoephoria, and six other entrants will score one of two bi-monthly packages or one of four seasonal packages.
Price: Varies depending on Package
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