The September Issue

What: The September Issue is the Anna Wintour-approved film documenting the famously controlling editor-in-chief, creative director Grace Coddington, and their staff while they put together Vogue’s biggest edition for the year – in this case, the September issue of 2007.  Check out the The September Issue trailer; we’re sure you’ll be intrigued.

When: The documentary officially opens in New York theaters on August 28 and elsewhere on September 11, though many a sneak preview has taken place before then (or been totally thwarted.)

We can’t imagine the lines to go see this movie are going to be short – we’d recommend picking up tickets online in advance.

Wear: The September Issue wardrobe is, of course, impeccable.  The fashion from the documentary is obviously just dripping with incredible style moments, so be sure to see it for entertainment’s sake and for top sartorial inspiration.  For more fashion from The September Issue, check out some of Anna Wintour’s style through the ages.

September 2009 vs. September 2007The September Issue comes out at a time when the longevity of Wintour’s reign has been questioned by many, Vogue’s approach has been knocked as inaccessible and overly focused on socialites and the same small, inner circle of models and photographers, and fashion magazines everywhere have been crippled by the economy.

Now Vogue, and all Condé Nast publications, are under review by the revered consulting firm McKinsey.  So far for Vogue, this has resulted in the loss of luxuries ranging from Orangina in the office mini-fridge to expense-account lunches at Nobu.

Vogue’s place in the fahion industry, and cultural media in general, is a loaded topic, and we’re sure you want to be in on that dicussion (and in on all the specific fashion from The September Issue.)  Don’t worry, we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop.  Oh, and of course, you can become a fan of the film on Facebook.

Get in on the action:

Anna Wintour helped helm the first ever Fashion’s Night Out, taking place in New York and twelve other cities around the world on September 10.  The event, intended to boost the fashion industry, will feature festivities ranging from model appearances to straight-up parties.  Check it out particularly if you’re interested in copying some of the wardrobe from The September Issue.  Also try to see Ms. Wintour if you live in New York; she’ll be kicking off the night at a Macy’s in Queens, signing t-shirts.

And in case you’re not going to be in New York on September 10, be sure to check out Anna Wintour when she makes a rare television appearance on David Letterman on August 24.  Gawker is pretty interested in potential career-killing slip-ups the editor might make, but frankly, we really just want to see what clothing Ms. Wintour will be wearing.

The Premiere:

Held at the Museum of Modern Art, Anna Wintour’s friends and family rallied around and had only nice things to say about the editor.

Well done, Anna Wintour – The September Issue‘s opening weekend was the fifth-largest, ever, for a documentary.

The September Issue reviews:

On the blogs:

Recent fashionable movie coverage:

The Proposal

500 Days of Summer

The Ugly Truth

And of course, the SATC extras casting call