The Worst Things To Buy At Sephora, According To Someone Who Works There

August 5, 2016 by Keren Leshem


what NOT to buy at Sephora from an actual employee!

So what did she recommend – rather, not recommend?!

“Smashbox is very ‘meh’ to me” she says. Apparently, this brand just doesn’t do it for her, so maybe re-think it next time you’re shopping.

“NARS also makes some hit and miss products. (Their eyeshadows are often chalky.)” Better keep this in mind next time you’re shopping for a new eyeshadow.

“Origins has never inspired me” and “I think a lot of luxury brands struggle to justify their costs (Dior, YSL, Guerlain, etc).” Good to know!

And last, she explains, “You know, now that I think about it, people think Bare Minerals is God’s gift to skin, and it’s just not. But people are LOYAL to that brand. It amazes me how much we sell.” So next time your friend raves about her Bare Minerals foundation, you know better!

For more of her best and worst picks from Sephora, check out the full interview on Racked.

Make sure to check out What Not To Buy At Forever 21 According to People Who Work There and These Smart Hacks For Stashing Your Makeup Collection

[Photo: InTheFrow]


Beauty, makeup, sephora, tips
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