There’s A Lot Of Weird Crap Out There: The 10 Most Bizarre eBay Listings EVER

May 25, 2012 by Nikki Bogopolskaya


If you spend half the amount of time that I do on the internet, you know there’s a lot of strange stuff out there on the world wide web. One of my favorite places to find bizarre crap I didn’t want to know existed is eBay. The site is one of my favorites for buying vintage jewelry, secondhand designer pieces, and even home decor, but sometimes, I can’t help but wonder: What the eff are people thinking?

10 of the wackiest, WTF fashion finds on eBay – EVER

Check out the above slideshow for , and don’t forget to check out other weird stuff SHEfinds loves to hate: the dress with a built-in cell phone (?!), the bra that doubles as a wine rack (?!?!) and perfume that (proudly, may we add) smells like “blood and semen (!?!?!?)

 [photo via Pinterest]


ebay, WTF
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