Problem: What do you do with your designer handbag when you’re out and about? Hide it under the table? Sling it on the back of your bar stool? Balance it on your lap while trying to eat your fettuccine alfredo (or greens with exactly 2 drops of dressing)? The Purse Pal solves these riddles with ease, no more worries about theft, spills, or trampling your cherished handbags. The Purse Pal is a small hook that fits in your purse until you need it to secure your bag to virtually any size restaurant table. It comes in two different sizes, day bag (34.99) and evening bag (29.99) A combination of functionality and charity, each design contributes $5 per sale to a non-profit charitable organization. This charitable business practice has caught the eye of some big names like The Donald. A Purse Pal was included in the gift bag at the New York Best Benefit Party hosted by Donald Trump himself. It was also included in this year’s Oscar goodie bag for the star nominees and presenters.
For the month of October (and year round) the pink ribbon design beneficiaries are the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and Evelyn Lauder’s Breast Cancer Research Foundation. And right now the folks at Purse Pal are taking it a step further. An additional $2.50 from every purchase will be donated to relief organizations for victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This is in addition to the money automatically donated per purchase!
Find this fashionable way to give at