When Your Marc Jacobs’ Bag Breaks…

June 26, 2007 by

I have a Marc Jacobs’ [url=http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-1751-2978-331/1?SID=marcjacobsstella&AID=10370388&PID=1434713&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.com%2Fmarc-jacobs-stella_W0QQfclZ4]Stella Bag[/url] bag that I am very attached to so imagine my horror when it decided to drop its distinctive buckles on 57th Street on my way to a must-look-chic meeting. Then a friend wrote: “My MJ bag broke! Handle fell right off while I was in Manhattan Beach. Embarrassed, I quickly left the Peet’s Coffee shop.” First of all — Mr. Jacobs — these are pricey bags — they should not fall apart!

Second – I did some research and if your Marc Jacob bag needs to go to rehab here is the info on the repair center for Marc Jacobs. Send your bag to Maritza with a letter detailing the problem. Moda Express ATTN: Maritza 900 Secaucus RD Secaucus, NJ 07094 201-325-8808

Maritza sent my bag back to Italy for repairs and said I should get it back in 6 weeks. So basically my Marc Jacobs is summering in Italy…I anticipate a joyous reunion come fall.



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