A lot changes between your early twenties and your late twenties. You start waking up earlier, you clean your apartment more, you don’t binge drink (as often). Generally, you start taking better care of yourself, probably because you’re nearing an age when you’ll have to start taking care of someone else. But one of the things that changes the most between your early and late twenties is where you shop.
…And for good reason. Your sartorial needs and tastes evolve so much during your twenties. Once you hit 30 and look back on pictures from the last decade of your life, you can bet you’ll notice that your style definitely changed for the better. That’s probably because you started shopping at more grown-up clothing stores in your late twenties.
But that doesn’t mean your wardrobe gets more boring, or the foundation of your style changes. Actually, a lot of your favorite stores have more sophisticated retail chains for once you age out of their other brands, so you can do grown and sexy your way.
Don’t forget to check out these laser-cut booties, 10 trends that are only cool in Nashville, and the right way to spray on dry shampoo
[Photos: Michael Daddino, Elvert Barnes]
lifestyle, shopping, tips