Yoto Bag for Yogis, $65
Why: For the past year, my main source of exercise has consisted of weekend window shopping and the occasional Saturday night dance party. No, I am not proud of this. However, I am excited about the fact that so far, I've kept up with my New Year's resolution to take up Yoga. I even bought my own mat. But I must admit my favorite part of this whole adventure – aside from my incredibly hot, albeit questionably heterosexual Yoga instructor – has been the Yoto bag I purchased to tote my mat back and forth to class. These bags come in fabulously fun patterns – and have a front pocket for your keys, cell phone, or whatever essentials you need to bring with you. Mine's the
Cathe bag – and it's garnered many an envious eye from my fellow Sun Salutationers. Now not only do I feel good, but my mat is sure to win the award for best-dressed – if only they gave one.
Get Yours:
Yotobags.com Exclusive SheFinds Discount: Use the code SheFinds at checkout and get 15% off your purchase.