Our Guide To The Best Greens Powders Of 2024 (& Which One Is Our #1)!

September 26, 2024 by Brooke Hardington


Between sitting at a desk all day during the week, and spending the weekends constantly on-the-go with my two-year-old, there’s not a lot of time for healthy, conscious eating choices. More often than not, I’m scrounging leftovers off my child’s plate, scarfing down some snacks, or reheating the remains of last night’s dinner for lunch. I don’t need a doctor to tell me that I’m deficient in certain minerals and vitamins.

That’s why greens are so great! I’m not necessarily talking about the green, leafy veggies that you need to sauté or cook, but the green blends that you can just pour into a glass and sip. While it’s important to note that greens blends aren’t necessarily a sub for eating veggies, they do help provide the vitamins and minerals that many Americans are lacking in their diets. Green powders typically contain nutrients like vitamins A, C, E, along with powerful antioxidants that help stave off sickness. But for me, the real pro is their ease-of-use. There’s absolutely zero cooking, prepping, or packing involved, and I love that.

That said, with so many green blends on the market, it can be tricky to know which one is best for you. From Tik Tok to Instagram to your weekly podcast to your favorite influencer, green blends are everywhere. Happily though, the editors at SheFinds have already compared pricing, health benefits, taste, and online reviews—so you don’t have to.

Read on to learn more about green blends from brands including Beam, Athletic Greens, Huel, Bloom, and Organfi, as well as which one we think is the best!

Beam Greens ($48)

Beam Greens gives you a comprehensive green blend that supports daily wellness and overall health with 14 essential greens—all in a refreshing, sweet-meets-tart Strawberry Kiwi flavor.

The groundbreaking formula’s robust blend of 14 essential greens includes wheat grass, chlorella, and kale, along with potent mushrooms, adaptogens, and antioxidants. In short, this blend helps solve for common nutrient gaps, all while supporting immune function, boosting energy, and enhancing overall wellness. Plus, Beam Greens contains zero fillers and is rigorously third-party tested to ensure purity and potency.

I’m going to be honest: Beam Greens is the best of the bunch when it comes to both health and flavor. Green blends aren’t known for being delicious—honestly, I’m often plugging my nose and chugging them down. But Beam’s Strawberry Kiwi flavor was truly delicious, checking both my wellness and taste boxes. I was genuinely surprised by how good it tasted, and I say this as the kind of girl who regularly puts three sugars in her tea. Beam Greens is my #1 overall!

The best part? For a limited time only, you can get up to 35% off Beam Greens when you use the code SheFinds35.

Huel Daily Greens ($45.00)

Huel might not be as nutrient-dense as AG1, but with 91 superfoods, as well as antioxidants, adaptogens, probiotics, and botanicals, it’s still a great way to supercharge your daily health. At close to half of what AG1 costs, it’s so worth it!

Huel is vegan, dairy-free, and gluten-free, catering especially to vegans or anyone who is lactose-intolerant. Among its composition, it has high levels of Vitamin C, zinc, and folate—all of which are crucial nutrients and areas in which Americans might be nutritionally deficient.

In the world of gritty, green supplements, Huel isn’t tasty, but I think it’s above average when you consider the market offerings. It also has a relatively smooth texture, although the last sip in the glass is more like sediment than liquid. With over 300 million products sold worldwide, Huel is a name you can trust, with an excellent price point.

Bloom Nutrition Greens & Superfood ($35.00)

Bloom Nutrition is a favorite of “It” girls on Tik Tok, like Alix Earle. But does that make it the best out there? Not necessarily.

Like Huel, Bloom offers users a great price point. Plus, its pretty packaging, variety of fruit flavors, availability at national retail chains, and user-friendly instructions make it feel super accessible. I personally struggle with feeling bloated after eating a big meal (could be something to do with my sugar intake, LOL), so I appreciate that Bloom focuses on supporting and improving gut composition.

Bloom Nutrition greens are packed with probiotics, digestive enzymes, fruits, veggies, and adaptogens. But remember all those flavors I mentioned?With everything from mango, orange, passion fruit, and citrus flavors available, it makes for some overly-sweet, yet grassy tastes.


beam, editors picks, fitness, greens blend, greens drink, partners, Shop, sponsored, wellness