When you make a mistake on your iPhone, the consequence often reveals itself in a short amount of time. If you click on a suspicious link in your email, for example, you’ll find out soon enough that your phone has been infected with a virus. Download one too many resource-intensive apps and you may find your iPhone battery draining much faster than it once did. Perhaps because we spend so much of our time on our phones, we may not notice how our PC habits can negatively affect our computers. But bad habits add up over time.
To maintain your computer and make sure it stands the test of time. avoid these three common mistakes — here’s what to do instead.
Mistake: Not Protecting Your Computer When You Browse
Saving up all of your security strategies for your iPhone and ignoring them on your PC is not a good idea — your computer also requires protection to fend it from malware and hacking attempts. If you’re browsing on your PC without an antivirus program installed, you are leaving yourself vulnerable to data breaches that can quickly turn into privacy and security nightmares.
Solution: Beef Up Your PC Security
Most new computers come with some form of built-in virus protection. But if you’re using an old system, consider downloading an antivirus software program to keep you safe. Remember to create unique, complex passwords for every site that you visit or use a password manager to create them for you. And, just as you should always keep your software and apps up to date on your phone, you should do the same for your PC to keep it running smoothly and avoid bugs and malware.

Mistake: Not Taking Action If Your PC Overheats
If you’ve been noticing that your PC overheats frequently, this isn’t a sign that you should just ignore — it may be indicative of a bigger problem. An overheated computer, as well as one that is accompanied by loud sounds, might as well be a distress signal that is warning you that your battery is at risk of being negatively affected.
Solution: Give Your PC Breathing Room
Make sure the vents on your desktop and laptop computers are not blocked to encourage adequate airflow. Be mindful of not leaving your laptop in places that can quickly overheat, like hot cars or inside of drawers. Resting your laptop on a lap desk helps improve airflow to keep it from overheating, as well.

Mistake: Working Close To Your Coffee
Who hasn’t sat at their computer with a cup of coffee or tea nearby? It’s a tiny sliver of luxury few of us working from home are going to part ways with any time soon, but keep in mind that liquids and crumbs — but especially liquids — can cause irreversible damage to your computer if they spill on your device. In fact, a spilled cup of coffee on your computer can actually destroy it, while crumbs and dust can block your computer’s intake fan and wreak havoc in other ways.
Solution: Be Careful with Food, Drinks, and Dust
Keep your laptop on a table or desk — never on the floor, where dust can more easily accumulate on it. And when you are enjoying your lunch or a hot cup of coffee while working, try and be mindful about placing these items far enough away from your laptop or desktop computer so that, should they spill, they won’t end up all over your keyboard and screen.