3 Things People Who Experience Sustainable Weight Loss Do Differently (Hint: They Never Fad Diet!)
September 7, 2021 by Olivia Avitt
There are a lot of diets, supplements, and workouts on the internet that claim to be the key to sustainable weight loss. Whether it’s heavy restriction, vigorous exercise, or herbs with “fat burning” properties that will let you drop 10 pounds in your sleep. Weight loss can be incredibly frustrating, and at times it may feel like you can’t lose weight without extreme lifestyle changes that are impossible to maintain. However, doing intense programs or trendy diets may be the very thing keeping you from succeeding. The key to steady weight loss doesn’t involve herbal teas, cut and dry diet plans, or any one size fits all approach. The most important question to ask when going on a weight loss journey and making lifestyle changes is whether you are making changes that are maintainable long term. Weight loss requires commitment and consistency, so it is crucial to focus on changes you won’t grow tired of and cause you to feel overwhelmed. Here are a few things that you should focus on if you want to achieve sustainable weight loss.