4 Anti-Inflammatory Hot Drinks You Should Try This Week For A Better Morning

September 27, 2020 by Justine Schwartz


Most of us begin our day with a hot drink. Whether you’re a coffee, tea or matcha person, there is something about the ritual to sipping out of a warm mug that just *seems* to make the day better. But it’s not a placebo effect–caffeine has a multitude of health benefits. Here are the four hot drinks you should consider for your start of day–not only are there anti-inflammatory, energy, cognitive and mood-boosting benefits. But they’re downright delicious!

Yerba Mate

Drinking this tea is said to have the similar benefits to caffeine without the crash or jitters after. It contain saponins, natural compounds with anti-inflammatory benefits.

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Green Tea

Known for boosting mental clarity, cognitive function, physical activation and relaxation. Who doesn't want that?!

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READ MORE: The One Drink You Should Have Right After You Wake Up For A Better Day


Nutrient-rich, containing antioxidants, immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and good for your skin... just to name a few.

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Ginger has been used to treat inflammation for centuries; it also helps tummy troubles, supports heart health and weight control.

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