Phil Catudal, a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and celebrity fitness instructor, encourages clients to focus on HIIT (high intensity interval training). He explains, "Focus on high intensity type cardio and weights. A strong, muscular core means a tighter belly."
That being said, incorporating HIIT into your workout routine is a way more effective way of losing belly fat than going for a jog around your neighborhood. Looking for some HIIT exercises to try? Burpees, mountain climbers, and jump squats are all good places to start. If you'd rather take a class than do it on your own, try checking out your local kickboxing gym. For the most part, kickboxing classes center around HIIT, making them the perfect spot to work on getting the flat stomach you want.
Reggie Chambers, a private training and fitness specialist in New York City, thinks that anyone looking to blast lower belly and side fat needs to incorporate V-ups into their exercise routine. He explains, "One of my favorite abs exercises is called V-ups...It's one of my favorites because it hits the lower and upper abs together and, if done properly, it will increase the heart rate, giving it a cardio effect as well."
Caleb Backe, a personal trainer and Health & Wellness expert for Maple Holistics, encourages adding planks to your exercise routine: "The plank exercise rises to the top of the list as an effective, simple routine to yield noticeable results. As the plank position enhances posture and strengthens your core, it helps you achieve a flatter midsection."
Strengthening your core muscles can help you drop excess belly fat even when you aren't working out. Backe explains,"Especially if you have a sitting desk job, planking every day will strengthen your muscles and will allow you to burn energy even when seated."
Avoid Certain Foods
If exercise isn't getting you the results you want, it's a good idea to take a closer look at your diet. Obviously, your best bet for losing any type of weight is maintaining a well-balanced diet. Specifically, to get a flatter stomach, Backe suggests avoiding certain foods that cause bloating. He explains, "Steer away from gas-forming foods, such as cabbage, brussels sprouts, beans and lentils."
You should also cut artificial sweeteners from your diet. Backe says, "Avoid foods with artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol. They may be low in calories, but the bloating effects will pop the belly."