When trying to lose weight, many of us have to adjust our diets in ways we aren’t used to (whether that’s limiting certain foods or adding others to our daily intake). We asked health experts— registered dietitian Trista Best, nutritionist Jay Cowin, and registered dietitian/ nutritionists Susan Kelly and Allison Tallman— all about low-fat and low-calorie snacks that you can eat daily. The good news is that if losing weight is your goal, you won’t have to give up the following 4 foods! Read on for tips on how to prepare these snacks and why they benefit and support healthy weight loss.

Apples & Peanut Butter
Apples are a rich source of fiber that will help keep you feeling full for longer periods, and therefore prevent overeating, Best says. "While peanut butter is high in calories, by sticking to one serving or even a half serving," she notes, you can still enjoy this snack as being low calorie as the two would balance each other out.

Greek Yogurt with Berries
This option could replace unhealthy desserts if you find your sweet tooth craving something. Greek yogurt is a "good source of protein," Cowin says, and adding fruit can help make it more filling. "Besides being higher in protein, Greek yogurt is also lower in sugar and calories than other types of yogurt," he adds.

Raw Veggies Dipped In Hummus
A crunchy snack with dip? Yes please! This snack is great for weight loss while also satisfying your need for nutrients provided by vegetables, Kelly explains. "Raw veggies are an excellent source of high fiber and eating them with hummus gives you added fiber," she says. In addition to fiber, raw veggies are also "packed with essential minerals and vitamins that make your snack even healthier with restricted calories," she adds. "So put your favorite veggies in a bowl and enjoy them with healthy, light hummus," she says. Will do!

Roasted Chickpeas
This snack, like in its dip form (hummus) is a very filling option with lots of protein and fiber. Roasted chickpeas, Tallman explains, are not only "easy to make at home," they're also "super satisfying and filling." Roasted chickpeas keep you full longer so that you don't have to grab another snack or continue grazing, she adds, saying that "by eating chickpeas, you're likely to eat fewer calories overall." Not to mention, this option is low-fat as well!