These 8 Unnecessary Apps Might Be Hogging All Your iPhone Storage

June 4, 2024 by Lisa Cupido
shefinds |

It’s not too late to do a little iPhone spring cleaning — that means deleting apps that no longer serve you for the sake of a more efficient phone experience. If you can’t remember the last time you went through your apps and took a hard look at the ones that could be causing your phone to slow down and act a little less than itself, there’s no better time than the present. Some of the most unnecessary apps to focus on are those that are hogging up your storage space and not providing much in return.

We promise this process won’t be painful — in most cases you may not even realize you’ve deleted anything (that’s how unnecessary these apps can be). If you’re searching for ways to increase your storage space, consider deleting these eight apps.

Old Apps

That game that you downloaded in 2020 when Covid boredom kicked in but that you never played after 2022? Yes, that game — it needs to go. Old apps that you never use and update are taking up valuable storage space and giving back zero in return. Not to mention: they could be filled with bugs and issues that were never resolved if you haven’t been updating them regularly. Give them the boot.


We love the Podcasts app — but there’s no doubt that it takes up lots of storage space and could be downloading new episodes of podcasts without you even knowing it. If you use Podcasts, make sure you frequently delete old files. And if you don’t use it — feel free to get rid of it.

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Pre-Installed Apps


While it’s true that pre-installed apps don’t take up a lot of storage space, every bit counts. If you aren’t using apps like Watch, Stocks, and Reminders, you can delete them to save a bit of space.




The YouTube app takes up a lot of storage space. If you can do away with it and use YouTube via your browser instead, you’ll save space. But if that isn’t an option for you and you need this app on your phone, just be sure to regularly clear your cache.




You aren’t going to delete your Photos app, of course, But you can get into the habit of deleting photos and videos that you no longer need. It’s equally important to take another step after that one: permanently delete all of the photos and videos in your “recently deleted” album so that they are truly gone from your phone.




Even if Instagram is your favorite social media app and you have no intention of deleting it, it’s important to realize it can be the source of most of your storage space woes. This app can save copies of the photos and videos that you post on your phone, which takes up unnecessary space and often racks up a large cache. Deleting the app and re-installing it can help.


The Apps You Use the Most


We know this tip doesn’t make a lot of sense at first, but stick with us. The apps that you use most frequently, whether that includes Facebook, Instagram, and others, are taking up a lot of storage space simply because they are being used so often. The fastest way to minimize their effect on your space is by deleting them and re-installing them.




Messages consumes storage space because few of us actually remember to delete all the texts and images we receive on a daily basis. Those files really add up, especially if they include media like videos. Remember to delete large files on a regular basis or to set your Messages app to delete old files automatically after 30 days.


Lisa Fogarty is a lifestyle writer and reporter based in New York who covers health, wellness, relationships, sex, beauty, and parenting.

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