4 Inflammation-Fighting Vitamins You Should Be Taking Every Morning To Make Your Metabolism Run SO Much Faster

May 7, 2021 by Hannah Kerns


Reducing inflammation is a great way to improve your overall health. By doing so, you’ll soon start feeling and looking better. And although there are many methods to curb inflammation, starting at your diet might be your best bet. Specifically, incorporating some vitamins into your daily routine could make all the difference. Want more details? Keep reading.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is a popular supplement choice, which may have a positive impact on inflammation. "Recent research has revealed a mechanism through which fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, might reduce inflammation," Medical News Today explains. "A study that tested an enriched fish oil supplement found that it increased blood levels of certain anti-inflammatory molecules."

Though fish oil may help reduce inflammation, it's still a good idea to discuss it with your doctor before adding it to your routine. In fact, that rule goes for all supplements.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

If you want a supplement that will support your overall health, alpha-lipoid acid is a great choice. It plays a role in your metabolism and energy while also protecting your cells from damage and reducing inflammation, per Healthline.

"Several studies show that [alpha-lipoic acid] reduces the inflammation linked to insulin resistance, cancer, liver disease, heart disease and other disorders," the article explains.


Bromelain, found in pineapple juice, is another anti-inflammatory option for those wishing to bolster their diet. According to WebMD, this enzyme "packs anti-inflammatory powers and supports your immune system." It's also sometimes sued to treat inflammatory conditions like tendinitis and injuries like sprains.

Pro tip: taking a supplement is more potent (and effective) than chugging pineapple juice.

Vitamin A

Making sure that you are getting enough vitamin A in your diet is also a good idea for keeping inflammation in check. "Studies have found vitamin A can keep the immune system from overacting and causing inflammation," VeryWell Health explains.

Carrots and leafy vegetables (think kale and spinach) are good food sources of vitamin A, but a supplement could be another option if you think your diet is lacking this important vitamin. Plus, a regular dose of vitamin A could reduce skin inflammation as well. Bye, breakouts!

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