The Best Change You Should Make To Your Diet To Reduce Bloating For Good

January 17, 2022 by Marissa Matozzo


After eating a filling meal, nothing is worse than experiencing bloating hours later. That dreaded feeling when your belly feels tight and full can be prevented, however, with a consistent and balanced diet

We spoke with two health experts— nutritionists Lisa Richards and Dr. Josh Axe — to determine one essential change to your diet to prevent bloating, and what to eat instead. 

The Best Anti-Bloat Diet Change: Cut Out Sugar 

Excess intestinal gas is one common cause of bloating. We all swallow air when we eat or drink, and this air builds up in the digestive tract when undigested food is broken down. Our bodies can have a hard time digesting sugar, which is one culprit that can make bloating much worse. 

Refined sugar found in baked goods, processed foods, and convenience foods can wreak havoc on your gut health.Richards explains that they feed the “bad bacteria” in the gut causing gut dysbiosis and inflammation.

“This ultimately causes and exacerbates bloating and gastrointestinal discomfort,” says Richards.“Cutting out or significantly reducing refined sugar and carbs is one of the best ways to prevent bloating and improve multiple areas of health.”

What To Eat For Better Gut Health 

The best way to beat bloating, Axe adds, is to prevent constipation and gas by eating a healthy diet that encourages daily bowel movements. “Eat enough fiber from foods like cooked veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds, avocado, and if you can tolerate them well, soaked whole grains, beans and legumes,” says Axe. “Also drink plenty of water.” 

You might find that replacing soda with water can reduce bloating immensely. Hydration is necessary for not only gut health, but your entire body’s benefit. 

Overall, cutting out sugar as much as possible, adding fiber-rich foods to your diet and hydrating is the best change you can make to your diet to reduce bloating! Exercising regularly can also decrease the chance of belly bloating. For more information on foods that cause bloating, reduce it or other health tips, visit your doctor to craft a diet best suited for your dietary needs.

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