6 ‘Excellent’ Exercises To Get Rid Of Stubborn Belly & Back Fat, According To Trainers: Plank Rows, More

November 2, 2024 by Mariam Qayum


Stubborn belly and back fat can be challenging areas to target, often requiring a combination of smart diet choices and regular exercise. Fat in these areas tend to linger either due to genetics, lifestyle habits, and hormonal factors, making it resistant to traditional weight-loss efforts. However, certain exercises can help reduce this stubborn fat by boosting metabolism, building muscle, and enhancing fat-burning potential.

We checked in with Andrew White, a NASM-certified personal trainer and co-founder of garagegympro.com, to learn about six exercises you can do to shed belly fat and back fat. He revealed that some of the best options include plank rows and stability back extensions. Read on to discover all six!

1. Seated Cable Rows

Seated cable rows can be great for targeting the muscles in the upper and mid-back.

White says, "This exercise targets the muscles in your upper and middle back, enhancing muscle tone, which can help reduce the appearance of back fat."

How To Do It: Sit at a low cable row machine with a V-handle. Place your feet securely on the platform, and keep a slight knee bend. Keep your back straight, lean back slightly, and pull the handle towards your torso, squeezing your shoulder blades together at the end of the movement. Slowly extend your arms and repeat.

Sets and Reps: Aim for three sets of 10-15 reps.

READ MORE: 7 Simple Morning Exercises Personal Trainers Swear By To Tone Up Your Lower Belly—#3 Can Be Done Sitting

2. Lat Pull-Downs

Lat pull-downs target the large muscles in your back called the latissimus dorsi. White adds, "These are excellent for broadening and defining the latissimus dorsi, which can help minimize the appearance of back fat."

How To Do It: Sit at a lat pull-down station and grab the bar with a wider-than-shoulder-width grip. Lean back slightly, pull the bar down to your chest, and slowly let it rise.

Sets and Reps: 3 sets of 12 reps are generally effective.

3. Plank Rows

Plank rows give your balance and stability a challenge as you shift your weight from one arm to the other. This can enhance the activation in both the core and the back.

"This exercise engages the deep core muscles and works the upper and middle back. The alternating rowing motion challenges your balance, engaging more stabilizing muscles throughout the core," says White.

How To Do It: Start in a plank position with a dumbbell in each hand on the floor. Keep your feet wider than hip-width to maintain balance. Pull one dumbbell up towards your hip while stabilizing your body with the other arm, then lower it back down and repeat on the other side.

4. Stability Ball Back Extensions

This exercise can help work the lower back muscles which include the erector spinae. Strengthening these muscles will help improve posture and provide a toned appearance.

White says, "This exercise strengthens the entire back and the glutes while actively engaging the core for balance. It's particularly beneficial for reinforcing the lower back and improving posture."

How To Do It: Position a stability ball under your hips and stomach with your feet anchored against a sturdy object. Place your hands behind your head or across your chest. Slowly raise your upper torso off the ball, squeezing your back and glutes at the top, then lower back down with control.

5. Side Planks

While planks are a popular choice when it comes to toning the midsection, side planks can also be a great tool when you feel like switching things up!

White says that "side planks primarily target the obliques, the muscles on the sides of the torso. They also engage the quadratus lumborum and erector spinae muscles in the lower back, promoting lateral stability and strength."

How To Do It: Lie on your side with your legs straight and prop yourself up with your forearm, keeping your body in a straight line. Lift your hips and hold the position for 20-40 seconds on each side.

6. Superman exercise

Although a simple exercise, superman can be an effective workout to tone your lower back muscles. This exercise strengthens the muscles along the spine and core, and White says, "This bodyweight exercise engages the lower back and helps improve posture, which can play a role in the appearance of back fat."

How To Do It: Lie face down on a mat with arms extended above your head. Lift your arms and legs off the ground as if you're flying. Hold for a few seconds, then lower back down.

Sets and Reps: Try three sets of 15-20 reps.

The bottom line

It’s important to remember that these workouts alone won’t shed back fat; consistency, proper nutrition, lifestyle, and hydration are also key.

White concludes, “These exercises should be part of a comprehensive fitness program that includes cardiovascular activity and strength training. Focus on a diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Drinking plenty of water supports metabolism and helps reduce bloating, which can affect how your body stores fat.”

It’s also smart to get professional advice before incorporating any new routines; as White notes, “If you're new to any of these exercises or have pre-existing conditions, it's wise to consult with a healthcare provider or a fitness professional like myself to ensure you're performing movements correctly and safely.”

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