This Is Actually The Best High-Protein Bean To Eat For Weight Loss, According To Dietitians

April 8, 2023 by Marissa Matozzo


This story has been updated since it was originally posted on 11/14/22 to include more expert insight

When working towards weight loss, putting time aside to create a healthy, balanced diet for yourself is just as important as making time to exercise. And as it turns out, beans make a great addition to your diet, especially if you’re looking to boost your metabolism and improve digestion. In fact, there’s one high-protein variety that health experts say is an especially great choice when it comes to weight loss: black beans.

We reached out to registered dietitians, nutritionists, personal trainers and other health experts to learn more about how black beans can support your weight loss journey with its high protein and fiber content and low calorie count. Read on for tips, suggestions and insight from Jesse Feder, RDN, CPT, registered dietitian, nutritionist and personal trainer at My Crohns and Colitis Team, Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD, registered dietitian at Balance One Supplements, and registered dietitan and nutritionist Paula Doebrich.

Black Beans

Whether you're on a vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free or any kind of diet, really, Best explains how adding black beans can provide more necessary nutrients for energy to take on your day. These beans, she says, "pack a ton of nutrients into any meal, which is helpful when you are working to get adequate protein on a plant-based diet and also to reduce your grocery budget." She adds that the "fiber content of these beans will keep you full and satisfied long after a meal and is beneficial for feeding the gut's good bacteria, binding and flushing out toxins and waste from your body, and even helps to reduce cholesterol and body weight."

Along with fiber, these beans are also "rich in protein," a macronutrient that Best notes can often be found "lacking in the diet of those seeking to save money at the grocery store." These beans are known for their protein content, and "eating them along with rice is the best way to get in all 9 essential amino acids," Best says. "There are twenty amino acids, nine of which are essential, meaning they must be obtained through the diet," she concludes, adding, "animal protein sources naturally contain all 20 amino acids and are therefore naturally complete proteins, but many plant-based proteins are not." Good to know! This is even more of a reason to work beans into your meals.

Doebrich concurs, pointing out that the soluble fiber found in black beans can be especially beneficial to weight loss since it delays gastric emptying. Additionally, the combination of fiber and protein is a match made in heaven when it comes to staying satisfied throughout the day in order to promote weight loss. "The fiber in combination with high protein content promotes satiety meaning you will feel full for longer while consuming less volume," she says.

Feder agrees. "The healthiest high-protein bean choice that can support weight loss, in my opinion, is the black bean," he says. Black beans have one of the highest protein contents among beans, Feder notes, and this choice is "also one of the lowest" in calories. "Consuming foods high in protein and fiber, and low in calories can help preserve lean muscle mass while also keeping you satiated," he explains. This, Feder echoes, will "help you feel fuller for longer, and want to eat less, supporting weight loss." Feder recommends "getting in half a cup of black beans into your diet daily" to reap these aforementioned benefits. Got it!

READ MORE: These Are Actually The Best Superfoods To Eat For Weight Loss, Nutritionists Say

The bottom line

It's important to keep in mind that you likely won't achieve the body of your dreams just by adding one food to your diet. However, when combined with other whole foods in nutritious meals, adding black beans to your plate can be one great way to meet your fiber and protein intake. All in all, this tasty food can bring you one step closer to all of your health goals. 

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