Side Twist
Any stretch that functions to massage your organs is going to be ideal for eliminating bloating and soothing an upset stomach. A side twist is the perfect stretch for “wringing out” your stomach, helping to reduce inflammation and release air trapped in your belly. “Lie down and stretch your arms out in a T. Keep your shoulders and chest square to the ground. Hug your knees to your chest then rotate them to the side. This twist can stimulate your colon and stretch your abdominal muscles to reduce bloating,” suggests Dr. Chris Airey, MD. Not only will it massage your organs, but it can also help to open up your hips, loosening your body all around.
Child’s Pose
Child’s pose is one of the best stretches for applying gentle pressure to your stomach to help eliminate bloat. “Stretches you normally see in yoga sessions along with deep and controlled breathing can stimulate and relax the colon (where all those gases are contained), which ultimately can lead you to eliminate bloating completely,” says Zaakir Kayani Medical Writer & MSc Sports Nutrition. “The child's pose is a resting posture where you'll want to put your knees on the ground and expand your arms as far as possible in front of your head while also touching the ground. Keep your back straight and while resting your forehead on the ground take several deep inhalations and exhalations.” Deep breaths in this position will help to relax your body, and seeing as inflammation is often caused by stress, can in turn reduce bloat.
Seated Forward Fold
Forward folds are another stretch variation which apply gentle pressure to the abdomen, massaging the internal organs and alleviating inflammation in combination with a deep breathing pattern. Sitting in bed or on the floor, stretch forward to lay your stomach over the tops of your legs, breathing deeply. “The key is to feel the weight of your abdomen as you breathe in pressing into your thighs. Bend your knees, sit on a cushion, or even have a cushion on top of your thighs, whatever you need to do to create that connection and pressure for your tummy,” says yoga instructor Carrie Froggett.
“As you hold the posture for 3-5 minutes, and breath deep into the belly, this pressure will create a sense of internal massage which is wonderful for promoting proper function of the digestive system and relieving excess wind and gas, ultimately reducing bloating.” Rest and relaxation is vital for reducing any inflammation that your belly might be holding on to, so breathing into this stretch will help to soothe your body. “Relaxing your nervous system is key to a healthy digestive system. If you're constantly on the go, living a high stress life and in your sympathetic nervous system (fight and flight), symptoms of IBS, bloating, constipation are likely to be rife,” explains Froggett.
Cobra Pose
Finally, cobra pose is another stretch which will alleviate tension in the stomach and promote digestion which can be beneficial for eliminating bloat once and for all. Starting on your belly, place both of your hands under your shoulders and press upwards, keeping your hips and legs on the floor. Breathe deeply and hold this pose, stretching your stomach. “You lift on the inhale which causes your abdomen to expand and push into the floor. This stimulates and strengthens the abdominal wall and digestive system and has a direct impact in the reduction of bloating and other digestive related issues,” says Froggett. Not only will the stretch release gas that may cause bloating in the stomach, but it can also release hormones that can increase your self esteem so you can start off your morning feeling strong, confident, and inflammation free.