Costco customers and Reddit users have observed that many of the retailer’s food court tables at some locations are being swapped out for standing ones, as noted by Delish. One user in a buzzing Reddit thread mentioned that the Costco in Visalia, California, removed several of the usual tables to install five standing tables instead.
On November 12th, the Costco member wrote: “They have five standing tables and about a dozen of the regular tables, they did get rid of some of the regular tables to make room for these. I also don’t know how long the tables have been out, It’s been a while since I’ve visited Costco.”

Costco Members React To News That The Wholesale Giant Might Be Swapping Food Court Seating For Standing Tables
Others joined the online discussion, sharing that their nearby Costco stores have also begun using standing tables in the food court.
Many shoppers are not too happy about the prospect of eating their Kirkland hot dog combo or pizza while on their feet.
"Maybe it's just me, but I like being able to relax my feet for a few minutes and eat a hot dog after spending an hour walking up and down aisles," one commented.

Another added: "Nope — immediate dislike of this development." Regarding the idea of standing tables, an additional user noted: "Those are the worst. No one at our warehouse uses them and they just collect empty cups and napkins. 0/10 wouldn’t recommend."

Conversely, some participants in the conversation argued that the new standing tables might reduce the number of customers who occupy excessive space in the food court.
"I’m fine with it as long as they don’t get rid of all of the regular tables. Keeps people from lingering too long but also still gives an option to disabled folks or families with kids," one wrote.
Another Costco shopper added: "Yeah i think it's a good idea. Otherwise people take a really long time to leave, causing cart traffic just trying to exit."