The Scary Downside To Having Your Bluetooth Turned On All The Time

May 11, 2022 by Louise Ferrer


There are so many things to be thankful for because of modern technology and one of those is Bluetooth. Basically, what this feature does is it allows you to simply exchange data between devices without having the need to use wires. Need to call someone while you’re driving? Want to listen to your favorite tunes through your car or a portable speaker? Bluetooth can make it happen.

Now, more than ever, we find ourselves always on the go. Because of this, the power of Bluetooth seems to be pretty convenient and efficient–which is why for most people, they decide to keep this feature turned on at all times. But did you know that there are certain disadvantages when you do this? Unfortunately, having your Bluetooth turned on for a long period of time is a mistake and can actually put your safety at risk. Keep reading as tech experts discuss this even more.

Detection To Unwanted Sensors, Access To Personal Information, And More

According to Jesse Thé, president & CEO of Tauria (a B2B SaaS platform on a mission to make digital privacy the new standard), "Since iOS 13, Bluetooth is open to any sensors around the location that user is at, including the sensors of shopping malls, markets, and scenic spots. All those sensors can detect the Bluetooth signal from your iPhone." With that in mind, there's a risk of a data breach--"a security incident in which information is accessed without authorization," as Antivirus & Anti-Malware Software Norton reports.

The same risk is present when you connect your bluetooth to a public or shared device (ex. rental car or cars used in ride-hailing apps). In an article published by USA Today, cars can access personal information such as GPS history, address book, music-streaming login, WiFi identifiers, and more from Bluetooth alone. If you use hands-free calling, Bluetooth allows cars to identify call logs and text messages, too. Yikes!

Keeping your data secure is crucial nowadays. You definitely don't want to leave personal data behind and risk your safety. Be mindful of your habits when using Bluetooth. Make sure that your information is kept private, and that you only store it in devices you trust.

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