Typically used to halt overeating and reduce hunger cues, appetite suppressants are a shortcut to weight loss that will create a calorie deficit through one simple method: eliminating your appetite. While some diet pills stop the absorption of fat in the body, others reduce your natural hunger cues, leading to eating less throughout the day and ultimately achieving weight loss.
Sounds too good to be true? That’s because they are. Diet pills can actually be incredibly dangerous to the body, not only altering how it absorbs and digests food, but also creating a negative relationship with food, making you more susceptible to potential disordered eating down the road.
It’s one thing if your diet pills have been prescribed by a doctor who has an awareness of your medical history and knows how this supplement may react in your body. However, self medicating with diet pills can come at great risk to your body, as many of these supplements carry a host of uncomfortable side effects which can range from annoying to downright dangerous.
“If you're buying something online that says ‘this is a fat burner,’ a wide variety of complications could occur. What I've seen are arrhythmias, meaning you have an irregular heartbeat, you could have a racing heart, and you can also have increased blood pressure,” notes Advanced Laparoscopic General and Bariatric Surgeon, Dr. Charlotte Hodges. “Unfortunately, none of the medicines that are on the market today, whether it's a supplement or even these prescription-based medications, do anything to increase your metabolism.”
Diet pills and appetite suppressants are only intended to be taken in the short term, and the reality is that once you stop using this supplement, your appetite will go back to normal and if you have yet to deal with your unhealthy eating tendencies then it’s more than likely they will continue to be an issue. Not only this, but appetite suppressants should not be the first thing you try when it comes to achieving weight loss, and integrating other healthy changes first may net you better results than changing the hormones and hunger cues in your body.
“Diet pills should only be used in combination with change in diet and exercise,” notes Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN. “They can be useful when prescribed if a healthy lifestyle and physical activity is not sufficient to result in significant weight loss, and at that point, should be combined with a healthy lifestyle for best results.” Integrating diet pills with other healthy habits will make it so when you stop relying on these supplements, you still have a safety net of positive lifestyle choices to lean back on to maintain your results, but that doesn’t mean they’re suitable for everyone looking to achieve weight loss.
One thing to note is that if you’re buying an appetite suppressant over the counter, these supplements do not require approval by the FDA and therefore are not guaranteed to provide any real benefit to your health. “The only over the counter diet pill that is currently considered safe is Orlistat which works by blocking part of your fat absorption. Any other “diet pills” out there need to be prescribed by a doctor,” notes Hotz.
Rather than taking a supplement to suppress your appetite, instead consider honoring your hunger cues and fueling your body with a healthy mixture of protein, fat, and carbs in order to naturally satisfy your cravings and achieve weight loss that will be maintainable over a longer period of time. You may be tempted to take a short cut to weight loss, but implementing healthy routines into your lifestyle will leave you feeling healthier and well-fed while still seeing results.