“One drink you definitely want to avoid is fruit juice,” says nutritionist and exercise physiologist Dana Ryan, PhD. But wait, fruit is healthy, right?
Yes, eating whole, fresh fruit is necessary in a balanced diet, but when made into juice, it’s often packed full of dyes and additives to enhance flavor, the main one of those being sugar. Some juices on the market have up to 30g of sugar in one serving of juice, which surpasses the recommended 23g of daily sugar intake recommended by the AHA. This means that, in reality, the juice you’ve been sipping on is probably not much better than grabbing a can of Coke or any other soda.
Drinking juice not only means loading up on empty calories that won’t keep you full, but excessive amounts of sugar can also cause chronic inflammation, poor gut health, and heart disease. It may taste good and be marketed as “healthy” on the label, but regularly drinking juice could be the culprit of your struggle to lose weight, or keep it off.
However, there are lots of easy swaps to curb your juice habit that are just as refreshing. Ryan recommends sparkling water as a better option to drink if you want a change when water gets boring. Trying a flavored sparkling water like LaCroix or Bubbly is a great way to curb your juice craving. Alternatively, try plain sparkling water with fresh fruit added in to make a fun and refreshing drink.
There are so many products on the market that are pitched as healthy options. However, oftentimes these items are packed with sneaky ingredients that may not be as healthy as you think. It’s crucial to read the labels closely on all food and drinks you buy, so that you know exactly what you’re putting into your body. As opposed to focusing on what you have to cut out, take it as an opportunity to find healthy swaps that make you feel your best. Prioritizing eating and drinking things you enjoy, and also make you feel good after eating them, is the key to successful weight loss and maintenance.