These Are The Best Exercises For A Tighter, Stronger Core, According To Yoga Experts
September 15, 2021 by Merrell Readman
Building a strong core is essential not only for feeling better during your workouts, but also for making everyday life easier. A well-developed set of core muscles will help to support your entire body as you go about your day, and while a taut stomach is a highly sought after aesthetic as well, it is also a functional goal to work towards in order to improve your quality of life and feel better in daily activities as simple as taking a walk or even standing for extended periods of time.
Crunches, sit ups, and other monotonous exercises may come to mind initially when considering how to go about building your core strength, but practicing a full body workout such as yoga is another great way to build up your abdominals without getting stuck in a rut of bicycle crunches. Core strength is vital for success in a yoga workout, so we checked in with yoga instructors Mandi Briggs and Kino MacGregor to lay out the best moves you could include in your exercise routine to build up your abdominal muscles for a stronger and more balanced body.
It’s a common misconception that your core is simply your ab muscles, but Briggs explains that your core rather refers to the entirety of your trunk from shoulders to hips. Because of the large expanse of the body this covers, it’s important to strengthen your core in order to feel strong while exercising and completing everyday tasks.
Yoga is fantastic for this as it works the entirety of your body, forcing muscles to activate that otherwise would not be engaged in your exercises. Below, we gathered the top four core workouts to add onto your regular exercise routine or yoga practice in order to get a better quality workout and experience visible strength gain in your body.