Pro Tip #1— Burpees Tone Your Entire Figure
Beginners in the gym have most likely been advised to try burpees or seen fellow gym go-ers complete them. They’re popular for a reason, as Reda Elmardi, registered dietitian, certified nutritionist, and certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Trainer tells us. “Start by standing tall with your hands placed firmly on your hips, then squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, keeping your knees over your toes,” he says. (This will really bring intensity to your thigh and glute areas). Next, “jump your feet forward and touch the floor behind you while simultaneously jumping up and pushing off from your left foot to stand back up,” he continues. Elmardi says to repeat this motion on the opposite side, as this is 1 rep.
“Continue performing burpees for 20 reps total,” he adds, “you'll not only burn tons of calories but you'll also tone your whole body.” As for your thighs, glutes and butt, this exercise is a great introduction into harder exercises, and can prepare your entire body to focus more on those specific areas. As hard as burpees may be, Elmardi stresses that they are indeed worth it and help create an intense, rewarding workout session at any stage.
#2— Lunges Are Great For Any Thigh/ Glute/ Butt Workout
Another essential exercise that you’ll encounter as you begin your fitness journey is a deep lunge, whether for stretching or as an intense main part of your workout. Your thighs, glutes, and of course, butt will really *feel* this stretch as certified personal trainer Paige Waehner writes for VeryWellFit. “Lunges target every muscle in the lower body as well and, since you're in a staggered stance, each leg will get a little more work,” she says, making this exercise a vital addition to not just a thigh, glute, or butt training day, but also for a leg-specific day as well.
As certified personal trainer Amy Marturana Winderl writes for Self, there are many different and exciting variations of lunges to target these body parts, including adding “free weights like dumbbells, kettlebells, a barbell, or resistance bands.” Overall, the lunge, she writes, is a “really solid go-to move for strengthening all the major muscle groups in your lower half, including the glutes, quads, and hamstrings.”Ultimately, as difficult as these exercises may seem for a beginner, they are not only a great introduction to popular exercises, but also can help target and strengthen these desired areas.