Have Flabby, Saggy Arms? Trainers Say To Try These Exercises For Toned, Defined Arms

March 18, 2025 by Mariam Qayum


Struggling with flabby, saggy arms? As we age, loss of muscle tone and skin elasticity can make the arms appear less firm. Fortunately, the right exercises can help tone and strengthen the muscles, giving your arms a more sculpted and defined look. Incorporating targeted strength training moves into your routine can help you build lean muscle, boost metabolism, and improve overall arm definition.

We checked in with Lalitha McSorley, personal trainer and physical therapist at Brentwood Physiotherapy Calgary, to discover three arm workouts you should start doing for a toned, defined look. According to her, tricep push-ups, plank taps, and overhead presses are some of the best options. Read on to learn more.

1. Tricep Push-Ups

A push-up is a renowned and tried-and-true way to help tone your arms, McSorley says. “When you perform a push-up, your arms must bear the weight of your body as you move them up and down,” she explains. This resistance, McSorley adds, helps to “strengthen and tone all of the arm muscles, including the triceps.” To do these push-ups, she recommends keeping your arms “shoulder width apart” and using a mat on the floor.

2. Plank Taps

Planks are another solid exercise for toning arms, McSorley notes, as they require you to “hold your body weight in an isometric position while engaging the arm muscles.” This, she adds, helps to “strengthen the muscles in your shoulders and arms without any additional resistance.” To make this even more intense and rewarding, you can add taps to this, and touch each shoulder while in a plank position.

3. Overhead Presses

An overhead press is another great exercise option for toning arms, McSorley points out, as it “involves pressing the weights above your head and engaging the arm muscles.” This, she adds, helps to strengthen and tone “all of the arm and shoulder muscles while also engaging the core.” To do this, she instructs to stand tall with a weight in each hand, and then lift both weights over your head. It’s vital, she notes, to keep your wrists straight and then slowly lower your arms back down again.

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